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Category: Marketing Shorts (Page 6 of 14)

Short descriptions about a broad range of recent articles found around the Internet on the topic of marketing.

Vegas Tourism: Embrace Generational Marketing

Marketing Las Vegas is no easy task, especially when you need to market to the different generations. To marketers, baby boomers are often looked upon as narcissists … and perhaps generation x doesn’t approve of their baby boomer parents. Millennials want to do more. In 2012, the average visit to Las Vegas cost about $1,021, this number is lower from previous records from 2007, which showed $1,318 per visit. Consulting firms are trying different ways to market to each of these groups.

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Vegas Tourism: Embrace Generational Marketing – ABC News

Shady Marketing Firms Are Still Quietly Bribing Bloggers (Updated)

Shady Marketing has been quietly buying off blogger content on your favorite websites. The idea is for writers to insert links to clients for money. More and more writers are being bribed to do this type of work. It seems a little shady indeed, many ethical providers want to expose this tricky way of gaining customers … and yet the subject hasn’t caught the attention of the public.

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Shady Marketing Firms Are Still Quietly Bribing Bloggers (Updated) – Gawker

Advertising Push Helps Last Month’s Car Sales

Many car sales professionals noted that their sales figures increased over the course of the last month. This was due in part to the adoption of a new advertisement push. This can help many car sales personnel hit their target goals. They may want to learn more information about why this latest push was successful. This can help them predict some of the different challenges that they may face over the next few months.

Read the full article here:
Advertising Push Helps Last Month’s Car Sales – NPR

Apparently it’s free marketing week (or, can we please all stop droning on …

Though there has been a lot of hype about the drone delivery program offered by Amazon, there are some reasons to doubt it. There are a lot of issues with the drones themselves, since they may not be able to reach many consumers out there. But some think that Amazon may have wanted to simply generate some publicity shortly before the Cyber Monday sales rush. The news media has run quite a bit of stories on these issues going forward.

Read the full article here:
Apparently it’s free marketing week (or, can we please all stop droning on … – VentureBeat

Destroy Stress, Enhance Zen – 13 Tips To Thrive Mentally In Marketing

Working in the marketing industry can be stressful. Marketers likely want to identify some of the different strategies that are available to them. This is an important goal for those who simply want to learn more information going forward about zen relaxation. Some techniques may prove to be useful, because it may enable professionals to be more effective when they head back to their work.

Read the full article here:
Destroy Stress, Enhance Zen – 13 Tips To Thrive Mentally In Marketing – Marketing Land

Jaguars ink new advertising, marketing contract with On Ideas of Jacksonville

The Jacksonville Jaguars have a new marketing team. On Ideas will handle public relations and marketing services for the team, ending an 18-year relationship with the Dalton Agency. Representatives from On Ideas said they plan to market the team to the community through public and charity events, which they hope will increase ticket sales.

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Jaguars ink new advertising, marketing contract with On Ideas of Jacksonville – Florida Times-Union

Emotion-detecting advertising is coming. Beware.

Advertising based on the viewer’s emotions is rapidly becoming a reality. Engineers have already used sensors to detect emotional states such as inattentiveness and programmed an automobile to slow down when it senses that emotional state. Samsung has also already patented technologies for sharing emotions over social networks. Using sensors in smart phones and similar digital devices advertisers will soon be able to sense a viewer’s emotional state and when they are most vulnerable to an ad. Like it or not, emotion-based advertising lies in the near future.

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Emotion-detecting advertising is coming. Beware. – Slate Magazine

In Marketing, Art’s the Thing

The logo message for the MGM roaring lion means art for art’s sake. The marketing industry wants to add “art” to the strategy so that art would be for marketing sake. Advertisers are adding art to their ads inclusive of Chanel, Gap, Jaguar and Red Bull. Art used to get appreciated by the mature generation but is now a part of the marketing strategy aimed at consumers in their twenty’s and thirty’s. Advertisers are also adding food to their advertising efforts with the idea that the conversation begins when food and culture meets.

Read the full article here:
In Marketing, Art’s the Thing – New York Times

Content Strategies and Evolution of the Marketing Technologist #Gilbane 2013

Marketing technologist’s need to learn more about strategic planning and how to analyze what is considered to be big data. The role of the marketing technologist has grown as the popularity of the internet has become widespread. Therefore, the technologist has to learn more about content creation and content migration to make their company an online marketing success. The Gilbane conference will address the aspects of creating content by focusing on the customer experience in regards to online marketing and other strategies for digital marketing.

Read the full article here:
Content Strategies and Evolution of the Marketing Technologist #Gilbane 2013 – CMSWire

Data And Tips About Native Advertising The FTC Might …

Forbes Brandvoice is the tool designed to bring content marketing to the consumer by giving than an opportunity to input their insight and perspective on an issue. The function of journalism is to inform and media communications locate solutions for marketers. Forbes Brandvoice accomplishes both of these tasks by using native advertising that focuses on the mind. Forbes also provides editorial newsroom as a place of input as a marketing strategy.

Read the full article here:
Inside Forbes: Some Data And Tips About Native Advertising The FTC Might … – Forbes

Gaming companies can’t seem to avoid sexist marketing

The gaming industry is coming under fire for what some consider sexist advertising. Sony and Microsoft have both taken criticism in recent months for advertising some consider sexist, even though women account for 45 percent of the video-game audience. Critics say that women hold high positions at both companies, and should stop these types of marketing practices.

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Gaming companies can’t seem to avoid sexist marketing – Quartz

Digital Health Is Very Sick–Its Marketing Is Anemic

The marketing of health needs to be improved to show more liveliness. Most health ads are not exciting and fail to tell a story of success. The digital health ads need to encompass more than a ladder showing a patient improved health. The ads need to differentiate for marketing that tells a message. Just as any digital ad, the health marketing strategy needs to engage the customers to make them think and act in favor of the advertised product. Leverage technology needs to be used such as geo tags, apps and social media.

Read the full article here:
Digital Health Is Very Sick–Its Marketing Is Anemic – Forbes

Cyber Monday Antidote: An Exhibit of 19th Century American Advertising

The Art of American Advertising will be on display at the Baker Library Bloomberg Center at Harvard Business School until April 5, 2014. Advertising during that period did not consist of online internet ads but were merely posters, circulars or ads hanging down the side of buildings. The exhibit will include trade cards as well as souvenir publications that were used during the 19th century for marketing purposes. The ads during that century show the emergence of the industrial revolution, commercial expansion and a boost in advertising products.

Read the full article here:
Cyber Monday Antidote: An Exhibit of 19th Century American Advertising – Forbes

Federal Trade Commission will put native advertising under the microscope …

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) will host a workshop on Wednesday. The topic is whether native advertising misleads consumers. Native advertising is paid content that appears in the same format on a website as authentic, editor-created content. Journalists are optimistic that native advertising might be a stable revenue stream for online journalism. But the FTC worries that consumers cannot distinguish between paid and unpaid content.

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Federal Trade Commission will put native advertising under the microscope … – Poynter.org (blog)

Digital Marketing Files: 10 Reasons Marketers Should be Thankful

There are a lot of things marketers should be thankful for this holiday season. Through social media channels, marketers receive large amounts customer feedback and can use it to adjust marketing campaigns. Automation and personalized advertising are two more great tools available in marketing today. See ten reasons why marketers should give thanks.

Read the full article here:
Digital Marketing Files: 10 Reasons Marketers Should be Thankful – CMSWire

What Are You Worth To Social Media Stocks? It Must Be More Than Advertising

This piece begins with a discussion on social media advertising and how it relates to users of the sites. It includes a chart on what social media marketers project is the average income for their companies per user. Next is a discussion on the top three social media sites, and how it relates to the marketing information and why social media is therefore a “hot” place to gather marketing data. It is somewhat inconclusive, raising important points but also poking holes in some of the suggested data surrounding this field.

Read the full article here:
What Are You Worth To Social Media Stocks? It Must Be More Than Advertising. – Forbes

Small Business Saturday: AmEx Marketing Ploy?

Between Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals, Small Business Saturday is a chance to shop local businesses that support communities. AmEx has offered incentives for businesses to use their services by providing a subsidy, though at a must lower rate than past years. Critics call this plan a marketing ploy to pad AmEx profits, but AmEx was quoted saying how they love helping out small businesses. The ending line suggests shopping local, but just using cash.

Read the full article here:
Small Business Saturday: AmEx Marketing Ploy? – The Fiscal Times

ObamaCare Marketing Drive Delayed Over Fears Of Website Crash

The White House is holding back on releasing an ad campaign for the Obamacare Website, HealthCare.gov. This is because there has been such an influx of new people trying to visit the website that it has been nearly impossible for anyone to sign up for healthcare. White House officials urge people trying to access the site to hold back for now as not to flood the insurance marketplace with new users and cause it to collapse.

Read the full article here:
ObamaCare Marketing Drive Delayed Over Fears Of Website Crash – Fox News (blog)

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