Here is the tenth of 10 tragic mistakes that businesses make with their social media …
and we’ll provide solutions to modify your process so you can CRUSH IT instantly.
Social Media is an incredible tool to build relationships. Get it? Relationships.
Social Media is an incredible tool to build relationships. Get it? Build relationships.
And having access to these tools are great, but ultimately, none of them can be effective without a skilled creator and of course … precise execution.
It’s important to note that the social media tools you use to connect and build relationships will take time. So, don’t jump onto a social media site expecting customers to come walking in your door immediately (although that can certainly happen).
Make a strategic commitment to learning how to provide “value” to your social community. If you have been watching our posts—that’s exactly what our posts do—THEY ADD VALUE! Commit to being present, at least for a period of time each day, and be willing to change things up as you learn more and become more in tune with your social community. You will have weeks when it seems like everyone is talking about your brand and sharing your great content, and there will be weeks when you will wonder if you broke the internet … all you hear is crickets. Stay committed and stay consistent. It will pay off. Just like that telephone. It will ring more often, when you use it to reach out to others and provide value.
Have you seen (or committed) other mistakes in your social media journey?
If you are ready to pull your hair out or throw in the “social” towel, give us a call, we can help!
If you desire content that will educate, excite & engage, please call us at 860.621.8866. We can help you craft an affordable strategy that will exceed your expectations.
We’re JC Marketing Communications
and we’d like you to ALWAYS REMEMBER:
Your customer doesn’t need to understand your product, they just need to know you understand them.
It’s really simple, people don’t care what you know, until they know that you care.
There you have it … Go out and build new and exciting relationships!
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