By Joseph Cekauskas
Marketing Consultant & Strategist
JC Marketing Communications – originally published 11.16.2002
This article will provide you with:
1) A CHECKLIST of key questions to ask in an effort to HELP YOU make an “educated buying decision.”
2) AN UNDERSTANDING of how your marketing/graphics person or firm could POSITION AND GROW your business faster, and with less effort and expense than you’d ever imagine.
3) WAYS OF IDENTIFYING graphic design partners who lack proper disciplines, marketing knowledge & preparation techniques for your various needs.
Question 1:
What skills and software programs does the graphic design partner utilize?
There are too many people in the marketplace today who have purchased mediocre computer systems with some very basic and primitive graphic programs. Some are still using programs from the mid-90s. When they give their files to a professional printer, it may not be usable. Therefore, if there are any necessary changes to your files in order for the printer to use them … it often means you’ll foot the bill.
An ideal graphic design partner should have both state-of-the art equipment (including, but NOT limited to “lots of RAM”) and sophisticated software (NOT pirated copies) at their disposal to help you reach your communications goals.
But even that’s not enough—the graphic design partner should also be “experts” (minimum 5 years) in those sophisticated software programs to allow you to get the best possible product in the most efficient manner. Furthermore, the artist should understand that when your logo is printed on an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper, it will appear quite differently when reproduced at ONLY 3/8″ high. Readability will be compromised and you’ll be unhappy with the results AND YOUR BRAND WILL SUFFER. And lastly—at a minimum—any graphic design partner you consider should have expertise (minimum 5 years) in universal graphic print programs such as:
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe InDesign or Quark
In the case of working with a professional—even if your advertising agency has those programs, make sure they’re the most up-to- date versions so they can play well with third-party vendors. Any graphic design partner worthy of your business should be knowledgeable of—and investing in—the best and most recent products in its field to help you achieve your mission.
Question 2:
Does that graphic design partner provide full service—from concept … through execution … to final production?
Graphic artists are often from a dog-eat-dog world—so don’t get caught wearing Milkbone® underwear! Horror stories abound in the graphic design field of designers that promise YOU the world during the honeymoon phase of the relationship, only for the customer to wake up and find that the person(s) can’t deliver on promises made. Make sure you get plenty of choices from the artist. And not just 5 versions of the same logo.
If your project requires a logo design, photography and then placement in your local newspaper, a trade publication or magazine, you may be under the mistaken impression that all graphic design partners can provide those services.
A qualified graphic design partner should have a critical knowledge of different file formats, such as pdf, tiff, jpeg, eps vector, etc. In addition, he or she should know when the file is to be PMS or spot colors, CMYK, RGB PLUS what resolution of any Photoshop files are, etc.
This graphic design partner should also be able to do an outstanding job in file preparation so your project can be delivered to a third-party vendor complete—without the need for additional work before it’s published.
A graphic design partner worthy of your business must be able to produce a finished product, so any third-party vendor can take that artwork and utilize it in whatever publication and/or format without the need for additional file preparation.
Question 3:
Does your graphic design partner have multiple digital backup systems that guarantee the safety of your digital work?
Imagine spending a significant amount of time and money working with a graphic design partner to produce what you feel is a product sure to increase your business by 25-30 percent.
But then, the night before it is going to be handed over to the printer, you are informed that his or her computer systems have had a major failure and your work is lost. Don’t laugh, it happens … and happens too often when clients deal with unsophisticated graphic design partners.
You need to ask what types of back up options, if any, your graphic design partner utilizes to protect your important data. At a minimum, you should be assured that all projects are backed up on CD, DVD, and/or off-site data storage systems. Any graphic design partner worthy of your business must provide adequate safeguards through a thorough and well-thought out archiving system to ensure your work is easy to retrieve and well protected.
Question 4:
Does your graphic design partner execute your ideas, as well as bring their own creative solutions to the equation?
Look for a graphic design partner who listens (the key is LISTENS) to your needs and comes back with options and choices to meet those needs. A good graphic design partner takes ownership of the objective and provides value—not just a cookie cutter solution to what you’ve asked them to produce. Ideally, the artist would be as passionate about your mission and treat it as if it were their own.
Of course, don’t be afraid to tell a graphic design partner what you want, but also allow him/her to provide you with other options and choices he/she offers and believes, based on quantitative formulas, of what works and what the market responds to.
Any advertising agency graphic artist worthy of your business, must be insightful … and offer you every possible means to differentiate your company from your competition.
Question 5:
Is the graphic design partner available for emergencies and what turnaround times are to be expected?
The turnaround times needed to stay competitive in today’s marketplace were unheard of just a few short years ago. The graphic design partner you select should be available for emergencies and be able to offer quick turnaround of a project when the need arises.
Check to make sure you have access to key personnel through e-mail and cell phones. In addition, make sure to set up realistic deadlines and hold your agency to those deadlines. Any graphic design partner worthy of your business must be responsive, meet the agreed upon deadline, and be available in emergencies should they arise.
Question 6:
Can the graphic design partner you’re considering offer more than ten testimonials across diverse markets & industries?
There is no better way to judge a graphic design partner than through customer testimonials that demonstrate a proven track record of quality deliverables, customer service, and measured results.
To adequately judge a graphic design partner, ask for those testimonials to be from a wide array of customers in various markets, so you have the opportunity to see how creative the graphic design partner truly is.
When you get those testimonials, make sure you obtain phone numbers and really check those references to ensure the graphic design partner you’re considering is viewed highly by the people he/she has worked with in the past.
Any graphic design partner worthy of your business will provide adequate references of people who will talk openly and honestly with you about their experiences, successes and yes—even failures.
Innovative Marketing Strategies & Designs
to Enhance Your Company Brand, While Increasing Your Return On Investment.
If you’d like assistance with your graphic design strategy, including creating marketing materials such as logos, brochures, tradeshow displays, HD video, and more, contact JC Marketing Communications at 860.621.8866. The message and image we help you develop will motivate your audience to buy from you now.
Call now, while the thought is still fresh in your mind!Imagine—one quick phone call TO JC Marketing WILL launch your business toward accelerated growth and higher profits.
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