Imagine if you had more customers, clients, patients or members coming to you 24 hours-a-day…
7 days-a-week…365 days-a-year?
The key difference between JC Marketing Communications (JCMC) and ordinary website developers is that we create an entire internet marketing strategy and content that integrates with a client’s non-internet activities to maximize revenues and profits. Your website should be more than just “name, rank and serial number…or a boatload of stock photography…and YOU focused message mumbo jumbo.”
Want to improve your web presence? Call us today 860.621.8866.
You will have access to a
complete internet marketing strategy…
Studies show that most websites are not profitable or provide definitive information to help the visitor make an educated buying decision. Just having a website—even a website that is visually appealing—just isn’t enough. In order to compete and succeed, you need a complete internet marketing strategy! The team at JCMC provides the know-how to help you succeed.
Most websites fail to make a profit because they are designed by well-meaning, but uninformed designers with little or no marketing experience. Or the business owner asks someone to develop a web presence on an unreasonably low-budget. If you need to increase sales through various revenue streams, direct response marketing is what sells on the internet. And only a handful of professionals know how to do it right.
We provide a comprehensive internet marketing strategy to drive qualified traffic to your website. We show you how to motivate traffic to tell you who they are…and permit you to contact them. We show you how to convert visitors into buyers. We also possess comprehensive programming and technological abilities to help you succeed with your mission.
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